Hridoy Ahmed
Full-stack Engineer
< Entrepreneur | Programmer | JavaScript Enthusiastic | Tech Bookworm />
Recent Projects.
Pay To Me
All-In-One FinTech Platform For Effortless Invoicing, Checkbook, Text To Pay & Merchant services. With cutting-edge AI technology our innovative platform leverages digital invoicing, checkbook, text-to-pay, & merchant services.
Ship And Storage
Smart Storage & Worldwide Shipping. 6 Months Free Storage; Free Insurance up to $250; 1 Small box To 100 Large box Storage; Storage Services With Freedom.
Open Source Repositories.
Explore curated solutions to LeetCode, Codeforces & more. Clean, organized code for sharpe...
"NextWave" combines the idea of Next.js and the notion of riding a "wave" of best practice...
This repository provides a fix for TailwindCSS autosuggestions in both VSCode and WebStorm...
Published NPM Packages .
Tailwind browser helps you to develop efficiently for cross-browser platform
Prettier config for making your development easier.
EsLint config for making your development and debugging easier.
Technologies I use.
Lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
JavaScript With Syntax For Types.
The library for web and native user interfaces, used for Client Side Rendering.
Next.js is a React framework for building full-stack web applications, used for both Client & Server Side Rendering
The web development framework for building web apps with confidence.
CSS framework for rapidly building modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
Every component you need is ready for production.
Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source.
Powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit.
Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world.
Static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript code
Distributed version control system that tracks changes in any set of computer files
Developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code
The Collaborative Interface Design Tool
Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.